Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A frosty morning

 Well it's been ages and ages since I posted anything to this seems so ho hum alot of the time.  We just do the same things over and over again.  Work, cook, clean, shop for groceries day in and day out so when anything out the norm happens it is often quite exciting and energizing.....

I woke up early on Sunday morning and looked out to what was going to be a gorgeous, sunny day.  The temp was -2C and there was frost everywhere.  The fields in the distance were immersed in a ethereal mist.  The light was so beautiful I just had to get out there and get some pictures.......

Frosty Gazing ball..

Poor birdies, how will they take a bath?

Bright red cotoneaster berries.

 Apple tree bare of leaves.

 Looking out over farmers fields through the apple tree.

Beautiful red berries....

Just had to share these with you.  The light was so magical.